In the EYFS (Nursery and Reception), our curriculum is based upon the seven areas of learning, as described in the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage. Every child deserves the best start in life and we as a school can enable our children to reach their full potential. Our curriculum is based upon this principle.
Communication and language
This involves developing the children's speaking skills and their understanding of language. It also includes developing their listening and attention.
Physical development
Children develop their skills in large movements (climbing, balancing, strength..) and small movements (holding a pencil, threading beads,). This area of learning also includes developing toiletting skills, dressing and undressing independently and understanding how to stay fit and healthy.
Personal, social and emotional development
This involves developing relationships with other children and adults, including being able to share and take turns. It also includes understanding the rules and boundaries in school and being able to follow them. Children develop their understanding of their own feelings and begin to become aware of the feelings of others.
Children explore early reading and writing skills.
In this area of learning children learn counting skills and the early stages of addition and subtraction. They also learn about shapes, patterns and measures.
Understanding of the world
This involves learning about the natural world and developing an understanding of people and communities around them.
Expressive arts and design
Children develop their creative skills through exploring media and materials. They also develop their imaginations through dance, role-play, music, design, art and more.
We aim to make all of the children's learning as exciting and engaging as possible as we believe that this is when children learn best.