Hello and welcome!
*Meet the adults in the Caterpillar class*
The teachers in the Caterpillars class are Mrs Walton (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning), Mrs Talbot (Wednesday afternoon, Thursday and Friday). The teaching assistants are Miss Goldacre and Mrs Taylor . We love teaching the Caterpillars and we are so proud of all of their achievements!
If you ever have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Thank you!
*Our Christian Value for the term*
Our Christian value for this term is Service in the Community.
Living a life of service is about keeping your eyes open and looking out for ways to make others smile.
Jesus was called the ‘servant king’; his mission was to serve God and to serve all those people he met, through his teaching, his example and the way he led his life.
The Bible teaches us that we should all serve those in need, whoever they are, and ‘go the extra mile’ to put ourselves out for someone else’s benefit.
Who are the unsung heroes who serve us? Who are they at school and at home? How do you serve others?
We look forward to receiving your hand of service, to show how you have demonstrated an understanding of service at home.
“For a community to be whole and healthy, it must be based on people's love and concern for each other.” (Millard Fuller)
*Our Learning for this term*
Autumn Term 1
This term our topic is based all around the story
'The Smartest Giant in Town'.
Term 1 is all about settling the children in and getting them used to the new adults and the new environment. We focus on teaching the children the rules and expectations of Nursery and also developing their language skills.
We'll be thinking about size, comparing the giant to the different animals and using lots of words such as 'huge' and 'tiny' to describe them.
We'll be building our own town like the one the giant lives in, with boxes and blocks.
We will talk about harvest time and giving thanks for what we have.
Autumn Term Two
A term of celebration!
This term we focus on different celebrations and festivals celebrated all around the world.
Over the term we will learn about the festival of Diwali through dance, art and stories. Following on from Diwali we will learn about the celebration of Bonfire Night and experiment with colour mixing and creating our own creations of firework art. We will also learn about fire safety in readiness for some children attending Bonfire Night themselves.
As we approach December we will start to learn about the Christmas Story, understanding how Christians celebrate and how they get ready for Christmas too.
Look out for days to join in with Christmas craft workshops, Christmas performances and many other festivities in this magical term.
This term we also begin phonics. Phonics in Nursery is not taught as it is in Reception, the children are taught to tune into sounds, learn how to blend segmented words, preparing them for when they reach Reception for more formal phonics.
This term is such an exciting and magical term with lots of colour and lots of celebrating!
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