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“Our inclusive St Faith’s family strives to enable all to achieve their full potential and inspire a community of hope and friendship. We seek excellence by ensuring a safe, respectful and flourishing learning community, where differences are celebrated and our genuine love and high expectations make a difference to all.” “Aspire not to have more, but to be more.” (Oscar Romero)

Equal Opportunities

How does the school ensure equal opportunities for all pupils regardless of their SEN status?

St Faith’s Church of England Infant and Nursery School is an inclusive school and we pride ourselves in providing a safe and nurturing environment for all.  Class teachers, TA’s, the SENDCo and the Senior Leadership team are all instrumental in ensuring that all children are catered for. 


The SENDCo refers to outside agencies for additional advice on best practice. Resources are sourced in order to reflect the advice given.  The SENDCo is available for meetings and parental discussions, 2 and a half days a week.  This provides support and vital ‘home school’ links.   


Please also see our website page on Equal Opportunities. 

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