Behaviour plan this is a plan to outline the specific needs for a pupil and how to meet their needs appropriately (what language and strategies to use in order to ensure a calm and measured approach).
BOSS team – Behavioural Outreach Support Services can be referred to by a school as part of the Lincolnshire Behavioural Ladder.
Categories of need:
Communication & Language (specific speech disorders)
Cognition & Learning (any underlying difficulties with access learning such as processing skills)
Social, Emotional and Mental Health (any behavioural issues or a diagnosis of autism)
Physical/Sensory (identified medical needs such as hearing or sight impairment).
EHCP – Education & Health Care Plan. When a child has significant SEND requirements, we can request support through an EHCP. At this point, Additional Needs become involved with the process of identifying need and whether assessment of needs should take place.
Graduated Approach ensures that settings are able to identify the need/s of individual pupils and target support appropriately. It also includes the plan-do-review cycle, which is vital for evidence gathering.
Health Care Plan a plan that’s put in place to meet the individual health needs of a pupil. This could be for an allergy, mobility need or epilepsy.
Lincolnshire Additional Needs Team – co-ordinates the EHCP process and where required, supports their placement in specialist provision.
Lincolnshire Behavioural Ladder – How Lincolnshire will support pupils that have challenging behaviours to stay in mainstream education.
Lincolnshire Local Offer – outlines the services that Lincolnshire Additional Needs will offer SEN pupils and their families.
PSP – Pastoral Support Plans are part of the Lincolnshire Behaviour Ladder to ensure that schools’ are supporting the needs of individuals that are displaying challenging behaviours.
Pupil Profiles are part of the Graduated Approach to SEND. They ensure that children have individualised plans that highlight around 3 targets that we will support your child with. These targets will depend on the child’s SEND needs. We review these targets at least 3 times a year.
Outside agencies – specialist services such as Community Paediatrics, The Working Together Team or Speech & Language Therapists can be referred to by the school SENDCo.
Risk Assessments are actioned in order to ensure that the named pupil is kept safe on and off the school site (in the event of a school trip).
SEND – Special Educational Needs & Disabilities
SENDCo - Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Co-ordinator
SEND register – The SENDCo keeps a register of all the children in the school on SEN support. This is to ensure that all children are having their individual needs met. A register is also kept of pupils being monitored for their SEND requirements.
SEND support – Children on SEND support will have a Pupil Profile
Specialist Teaching Team – an outside agency that we ‘buy in’. Assessment of learning needs can be arranged through this service.
Transition – When children move classrooms and change teachers at the end of the school year or move to a different school. Transitions can also be small changes within the school day such as from playtime to lesson time or PE to lunchtime.
Working Together Team – an outside agency supporting pupils and their settings with social and communication difficulties. This could be an undiagnosed need, or related to autism. The school will need to make a referral to this service.