Welcome to the Honey Bees!
The grown-ups in the Honey Bees are Ms Holman and Mrs Lower, Miss Massam and Ms Cowap. Ms Holman is the class teacher on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and Mrs Lower is the class teacher on Thursdays and Fridays.
We all love teaching the Honey Bees and we are so proud of their achievements!
If you ever have any questions please do not hesitate to ask. Thank you!
Our school value for this term is ‘Justice’. Justice means more than making things ‘fair’. In order for people to live together happily, in a just community, it is important to have rules or laws that everybody sticks to. Imagine if there were no rules for people driving cars on the road!
Justice means giving all people what it is right and fair for them to have: life, health, freedom and dignity. It is about acting out of a concern for what is right.
Justice means taking turns and sharing, playing by the rules, accepting responsibility, avoiding blaming others when we have done something wrong, and listening to the ideas of others. Our special bible story this term is "The Rich Man and Lazarus". We will be learning how to show justice ourselves as well as being able to recognise other people who show justice.
All of the children and adults in school will be recognising children who demonstrate an understanding of justice, both inside and outside of school. This is rewarded and celebrated at the end of term in our special Values Celebration Worship.
We love learning in the Honey Bees! This term we have been learning all about Spring.
We have been searching for the first signs of Spring together, both on the Common and around our school. We have loved growing our beans and cress, and thinking about what they need to help them to grow well. We have been amazed at how tall our beanstalks have been growing, with some super measuring and comparing!
We have all loved finding out more about the Easter story, using our outdoors area to take part in parts of the story such as the Palm Sunday parade and the excitement of finding out that Jesus was alive! Our Easter story writing really impressed the grown ups, we are really using our phonics skills brilliantly now.
Find out about our learning and our news!