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“Our inclusive St Faith’s family strives to enable all to achieve their full potential and inspire a community of hope and friendship. We seek excellence by ensuring a safe, respectful and flourishing learning community, where differences are celebrated and our genuine love and high expectations make a difference to all.” “Aspire not to have more, but to be more.” (Oscar Romero)

Week two

Gardening Club, Week two

These are the flowers planted in our horseshoe raised beds:

  • Lobelia – colour cascade, Deep blue, light blue, purple
  • Mixed wildflowers
  • Paeony poppies
  • Mixed stocks
  • Larkspur Dwarf Hyacinths, mixed
  • Love in a mist, Persian jewels Blues
  • Cornflowers blue ball
  • Calendula sunset buff


All of the above flowers are annual, bee and wildlife friendly. Their seeds can also be harvested during early Autumn and replanted around the school. Once established they will flower from early spring through to very late summer, so there should be colour for the majority of the spring and summer months.


Please note, these seeds were picked by the children and placement was discussed so that taller flowers are in the middle section, gradually shrinking in size around the edges to the fronts, so this will hopefully be very aesthetically pleasing!


Pupil voice, after 2 weeks of Gardening Club!

“I like planting vegetables because they are more healthy” Rebecca


“I like planting flowers because I like the leaf patterns and shapes” Ava


“I like planting lettuce because my guinea pig can eat it!” Isabel


“I prefer planting flowers because bees can get food and make honey” Christian


“I like planting flowers because they are beautiful!” Seb


“My favourite part is weeding and then planting seeds in the place we have weeded.” Nell


“I like to plant flowers because they are prettier than vegetables” Ivy P


“I like to plant vegetable seeds because you can eat them and they are healthy!” Bobby


“I like it when we plant flowers because they are beautiful colours” Aldria


“I like to plant vegetables because they are healthy for you” Ivy B


“I like it when we plant veg- they are kinda my thing!” Theo B

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