For each Christian value, all of the adults chose a child in the school that they feel has demonstrated the Christian value for the term beautifully. This includes the lunch staff, teachers and teaching assistants. Parents are invited to our special celebration worship, where the children are awarded a special certificate and a gold star pin badge to wear, to celebrate their success. Their photographs are displayed on our values gallery for the whole year, for everyone to see.
We also celebrate the values being demonstrated at home. When the children show their understanding of the value of the term at home, parents fill in the form (in a shape that is representative of the value e.g. an apple for the Creation story, for respect) and send it back to school. We celebrate theses children during our weekly celebration worship, award the children with a certificate and place their symbol on our display.
In classrooms and in the hall, adults write down the names of the children who demonstrate the value daily and they are given a special sticker.
Our Worship Council have also written a school prayer, based upon our Christian values. We are very proud of how the adults and the children model and live through our Christian values.