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“Our inclusive St Faith’s family strives to enable all to achieve their full potential and inspire a community of hope and friendship. We seek excellence by ensuring a safe, respectful and flourishing learning community, where differences are celebrated and our genuine love and high expectations make a difference to all.” “Aspire not to have more, but to be more.” (Oscar Romero)

School Meals

As you may know, since September 2014 all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 have been entitled to a free Hot School Meal.   


Hot meals are provided by Good Lookin' Cookin'. The majority of our children order hot meals - and love them!

Even though meals are free, they must be ordered. Orders must be completed online at by 10pm of the Wednesday before the meal is required, i.e. meals for week commencing 23rd March must have been ordered by 10pm on Wednesday 18th March. You do not have to order a meal for every day. When you book online, you can pick and choose the meals that your child would like. If no order is placed in time, no meals will be provided for your child. Therefore, you will need a send a packed lunch for that week. 


You are ordering the meals directly from Good Lookin Cookin. We cannot order the meals for you. However, if you are having problems or if you have any queries, please call into the office to see Kerry or Juliet or telephone Good Lookin' Cookin' on 01522 - 500779 (website link below). If you do not have access to online ordering please call in at the office. Thank you. 

We encourage the children to use a knife and fork correctly in school. Follow the link below for advice on helping your child with this at home. 
The allergen information is provided by Good Lookin Cookin.  Please see their Website for further information.
Please follow the link below for advice on packed lunches, if your child is not having a hot meal. Thank you. 
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