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“Our inclusive St Faith’s family strives to enable all to achieve their full potential and inspire a community of hope and friendship. We seek excellence by ensuring a safe, respectful and flourishing learning community, where differences are celebrated and our genuine love and high expectations make a difference to all.” “Aspire not to have more, but to be more.” (Oscar Romero)

Reception: Beetles

Welcome to the Beetles!

Hello and welcome!

*Meet the Beetles grown-ups*

The grown-ups in the Beetles class are Miss Coles, Mrs Picker, Miss Warner, Mrs Hul and Mrs Taylor. We love teaching the Beetles and we are so proud of their achievements!

If you ever have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Thank you! 

*Our Christian Value for the term*

Our Christian value for this term is Justice.


Justice means giving all people what it is right and fair for them to have: life, health, freedom and dignity. It is about acting out of a concern for what is right. 

When we think about justice, we also think about the British Value of Tolerance and Mutual Respect and Democracy. 

Deuteronomy 16:20: Follow justice and justice alone.

                      *Our Learning for this term*


Summer term 2


Our topic this term is ‘Tell Me A Story’.


We will be reading lots of stories involving traditional characters such as kings, queens, princes and princesses, knights and dragons, who live in castles. We are excited to be having a visit from Rhubarb Theatre who will be helping us to explore these stories even further. As well as fiction books, we will be reading some non-fiction books about knights and castles, and we will have lots of opportunities to play with castles as well as build them in our creative area. We are carrying on with Drawing Club which we love, and reading a variety of texts to inspire our drawing and writing. Some of the books include The Kiss That Missed, Rapunzel and Zog.


We can't believe we are in our final term in Reception! How quickly the year has flown by. We will be talking lots about our transition to Year 1 as well as getting the chance to spend a day with our Year 1 teachers in our new classrooms. As the year progresses, we will be looking at seasonal changes, particularly the longer days and the warmer temperatures that we experience in summer. We will be keeping a check on our our potatoes are growing as well as planting more seeds in our garden.


In Maths we will be consolidating all of the learning we have done in Reception this year such as number bonds, 1 more/less, doubles, counting and subitizing. We will also be exploring repeating patterns, shapes, weights and measures. Every day we will continue to practise counting to 100 and have a go at counting backwards too.


Our PE lessons will now take place on a Monday morning, although these might be subject to change as we start to have more lessons outside, particularly when we start to practise for Sports Day. Please ensure that we all have a comfortable pair of plimsolls or trainers for  PE as we will be doing lots of running and games so that we can run really fast! We will be learning all about the big Sports events coming up this summer such as the Euros and the Olympics as well as learning about where some of the countries are in the world.


There's so much more we've got planned for this term and we cannot wait to get started. Have a lovely term everyone!


Medium term Plan Summer Term 1 2024

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