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“Our inclusive St Faith’s family strives to enable all to achieve their full potential and inspire a community of hope and friendship. We seek excellence by ensuring a safe, respectful and flourishing learning community, where differences are celebrated and our genuine love and high expectations make a difference to all.” “Aspire not to have more, but to be more.” (Oscar Romero)

Year 2: Dragonflies

Welcome to the Dragonflie!

Hello and welcome to the Dragonfly class page.

*Meet the Dragonfly grown-ups*

The grown-ups in the Dragonfly class are Mrs Wraith, who teaches the class on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning, Mrs Kemal who teaches the class Wednesday afternoon, Thursday and Friday and our wonderful Teaching Assistant, Mrs Madin.


We love teaching the Dragonflies and we are so proud of all their achievements!

If you ever have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Thank you! 


Our classroom door is always open for you.

*Our Christian Value for the term*

Our Christian value for this term is Justice.


Justice means giving all people what it is right and fair for them to have: life, health, freedom and dignity. It is about acting out of a concern for what is right. 

When we think about justice, we also think about the British Value of Tolerance and Mutual Respect and Democracy. 

Deuteronomy 16:20: Follow justice and justice alone.

*Our Learning for this term*

We are so excited for our Topic this term...

All Creatures Great and Small


In English this half term we will be focusing on the text ‘George and the Dragon’. The children will be learning how to write hook questions to get the reader interested and create a wanted poster for the character in the book. Children will describe what a character is like and explain the reasons they need to be captured. Children will create a leaflet, write non-chronological report and work on time conjunctions. They will also be writing instructions to great a magic potion.


Home learning suggestions

1.Look at different stories with dragons in.
2. Find different instruction writings. For example how to make a cake, how to build something.  
3.  Practice your spelling at least 3 times a week. We will continue to send spellings home on a Friday for the children to learn over the week. These always include common exception words and words linked to the SPaG.


We will continue to send spellings home on a Friday for the children to learn over the week. These always include common exception words and words linked to the SPaG. 

The common exception words for this half term are every, pretty, hour, sure, who, water, again, half, parents, break, steak



Reading practice books and reading for pleasure books will be changed once a week. Please ensure reading practise books and reading diaries are brought back to school every day. Please read with your child at least 3 times a week


Share your work on Twitter or bring it on during the last week of term.

@GlowwormsStF @SpidersStF @DragonfliesStF @StFaithsTweets



In Maths this term, we are looking at time. Children will begin with o’clock and half past followed by quarter past and quarter to. Children will then look at how many minutes there are in an hour and how the clock numbers are place five minutes apart. They will then work on answering time related questions to see if the can answer the correct time.


Home learning suggestions

1. Spend some time working on reading an analog cook.   
2. Discuss what you do at different times of the day. For example swimming at 6.00, tea at 5.00. Why do we need time?


In Science this term we will be looking at place knowledge. Children will observe different weather patterns and discuss seasonal weather changes. They will also be comparing physical features of counties by looking at the similarities and differences of different counties.

During RE, the children will still be exploring the topic salvation but will be focusing on beginning and belonging. Children will discuss what it means to belong and why belonging is an important part of Christianity and Islam.

In Art, the children will be looking at work of Lowry. They will be using Lowry colours and creating a picture of Lincoln in Lowry style.

In Computing, children will always learn about keeping safety on the internet and keeping their information private. They will be looking again at Natterhub and how to create, retrieve and store information.

In Music, this term we will be looking at ‘Friendship song’ with Charanga. Children will perform the piece using various instruments.

Year Two will have 6 lessons with a Synergy coach this term and also participate in Real PE with the class teacher. Our focus is sending and receiving, coordination and agility.



Useful information:

PE days       All class: Thursday and Friday run         

The PE uniform is white t-shirt and navy or black leggings/joggers and a navy or black jumper, trainers or plimsolls.

PE kits must be in school every day as timetables can alter at the last minute and all items of clothing must be named and in a named bag.

Also if you would like your child to wear laces up school shoe or trainers please could you spend a little bit of time teaching them how to do laces.
Important dates:

Tuesday 16th April – Back to school

TBC – Trip to the Church

TBC- Walk on West Common

Tuesday 30th April – Library

Monday 6th May – Bank Holiday

Wednesday 8th May – Class photos

Wednesday 22nd May – SATs talk for all parents 9:10am

Wednesday 22nd May – Wonderful Wednesday

Friday 24th May – Break up


Year 2 SATs presentation for parents/carers 2023

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