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“Our inclusive St Faith’s family strives to enable all to achieve their full potential and inspire a community of hope and friendship. We seek excellence by ensuring a safe, respectful and flourishing learning community, where differences are celebrated and our genuine love and high expectations make a difference to all.” “Aspire not to have more, but to be more.” (Oscar Romero)

Year 2: Spiders

OUR NEW TOPIC IS....The Scented Garden



Next term the children will explore traditional tales, poetry and non-fiction texts while exploring and growing their very our beans. They will have the chance to create instructions and demonstrate our values during den making and toasting marshmellows.

With such a sweet smelling topic it wouldn't be complete without having the opportunity for the children to create their very own scented products.

Meet A Creature!

New Topic Wriggle and Crawl!

Get ready to get muddy as this term we will wriggle and crawl into a world of playground discoveries. Grab your coat and pooter and maybe even your wellies as we’re going out and about on a mini beast hunt!



Minibeasts are marvellous! They live all around us and we could not survive without them, so adventure awaits as we sweep our nets in puddles and ponds and lift up logs to discover who’s home.


This term Year 2 will become a real life entomologist researching team by identifying creatures and what makes them unique. Asking and answering questions our entomologist will become mini experts in all things creepy and crawly.

Do you know your Pedipalps from your thorax? Well by the end of this term Year 2 will.

Our Value

This term our special value is Trust.

This term the children will be learning all about The Storm on the Lake and it's links to trust and faith. While during collective worship the children will be exploring what it means to be trustworthy and have trust in God and others.  

 Helping your child at home

Helpful guides and information about Year 2 vocabulary and terminology.

Sing with Grammarsaurus - Adverbs and Adverbials

Sing and learn with Grammarsaurus! Learn all about adverbs and how to use them to make your writing more interesting

 Practice test papers and additional SATs information

Nessy Spelling Strategy: Apostrophes for contracts

This Nessy video strategy explains apostrophe as contractions

Spring Term - Towers, Tunnels and Turrets


See the castle up ahead. Get ready to invade its mighty walls. Shoot a projectile with an archers aim! Head across the drawbridge, over the moat and up to the top of the tower...


Meet Rapunzel who lives in a tall, tall tower. Let's build a brand new one...whose is the tallest? Can you measure it?


Then dig deep, deep down, making burrows and tunnels, just like the animals that live underground.


What's that sound? I hear little hooves going trip trap, trip trap over the rickety bridge. Watch out for the angry troll underneath. He likes to gobble up little girls and boys. Make sure your bridge is sturdy enough to take our weight and get us safely to the other side.


And finally met the three little pigs who need your help to build a strong fortress. Inside its strong walls they'll be safe from the big, bad wolf.


No huffing and puffing will blow your fortress down!


 A very memorable day enjoyed by all of the children. The day kicked of with the children getting dressed up in their beautiful gowns and shining armoury. The morning consisted of recount writing and dragon making. In the afternoon the children enjoyed dining at their royal banquet, eating traditional food and telling jokes like jesters. The day conclude with a Castle junk modelling competition. #Bestdayever!

Discovering the Easter story and the true meaning Gods sacrafice

Science Week Fun!

During science week the Spiders became archaeologist discovering what really went into the poo from the past.

Fantastic Fantasy Castle designing

Look at those smiles. Happy Valentines Day xx

Diwali Day

Today we have celebrated the festival of Diwali. We have had a wonderful time, dressing up in Hindu clothes and doing some Bollywood dancing with Sunita. We have also created Rangoli patterns on the school playground with chalk and coloured some in ourselves. We have sent 'Happy Diwali' cards to each other and watched a film which explained more about the festival of lights and what it is all about. What a fun and fantastic day! Thank you to Jithan's mum for donating some saris for the teachers to wear!smiley

Oliver Twist


This term we are stepping back in time to the era of Oliver Twist, as we kick off our topic with a day in the life of a Victorian. The children will be dressing up and experiencing what life was like in a school, kitchen and on a wash day over 150 years ago! Look out for fab photos from the day!


We will also be finding out about what life was like in the West End of Lincoln in the past and seeing how the streets around the area have changed. We will use maps to help us with this and understand how to read maps and use symbols and a key. We will also be programming computers using simple apps on the ipad to follow instructions to navigate around a map of our own creating!


And of course we will be getting ready for the Christmas play...Is the Midwife calling?!!

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