Welcome to the Spiders!
Hello and welcome!
*Meet the Spider grown-ups*
The grown-ups in the Spider class are Mrs Desforges and Mrs Jones. We love teaching the Spiders and we are so proud of their achievements!
If you ever have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Thank you!
*Our Christian Value for the term*
Our Christian value for this term is Friendship.
Friendship is such an important value in our society, with children often spending more time with their friends than with family.
Jesus tells stories of the heavenly banquet to which all are invited. The barriers between people are broken down in a loving community around God, and Jesus had stern words to say to those who refused to recognise that all are included in this community of friendship.
True friendship enables each person to grow and ensures that the unique individuality of each person is recognised. All this echoes the value placed by God on the preciousness of each person.
‘A friend loves at all times.’ (Proverbs 17:17)
*Our Learning for this term*
We are so excited for our Topic this term...
We are kick starting our year with a superhero topic and our focus text is Supertato! We will begin by having a WOW day (Monday 9th Sept) where we will invite the children to come to school dress as a hero. During this unit, the tables will turn and the children will need to think about ‘What if Supertato was a baddy!!’ The children will complete short bursts of writing to share their thoughts. They will be encouraged to us our focus vocabulary to add extra interest.
The children will sequence the story and use our model text innovate it and create their own version. We will look at how we use: when, if, that, because in a sentence. What a way to kick start the year!
Our T4W focus vocabulary: unravel, gingerly, unfortunately
Our focus common exception reading and spelling words: door, poor, floor, because, hold told, both, old, cold, gold
Home learning suggestions
In Maths this term, we will be focusing on place value. This is to ensure that the children have a good, solid understanding of 2-digit numbers before moving into addition and subtraction. The children will begin be revisiting number bonds to 10 and fact families within 20. The children will use this knowledge to look at bonds to 100. We will move onto adding and subtracting 1 and then look at adding by making 10 first – looking for the number bonds and relationships between numbers. The children will then add across 10 before moving onto subtraction., 10 more/less.
The children will revisit their previous knowledge on greater than and less than to compare number sentences and solve missing number problems. This unit revisits many objectives that were covered in Year 1 and looks at building confidence in making links. The addition and subtraction unit will continue after half term, so plenty of time to practise 😊
Home learning suggestions
The 2 QR codes will take you to two different games: Save the Whale and Lifeguards. Both are tablet friendly. These games practise partitioning numbers and number bonds to 10.
If you want to show us your work, then play the games and recording the calculations on paper to bring into school or sharing them on Natterhub. Have fun!
We will be learning about animals including humans. We will learn about what animals need to survive and the life cycle. We will look at how animals adapt to different environments.
We will start with a Godly play based on the Parable of the Sower. The children will explore this parable and show their understanding through a variety of resources including art. The rest of the unit will link to previous learning about Jonah and the whale. The children will think about how Christians put beliefs into worship.
The children will focus on the fundamental skills of movement and co-ordination. They will participate in team activities to practise these skills and learnt to work together as a class.
The children will look at the purposes of IT for completing various tasks. These will link to Supertato including drawing, emailing and creating a mini video. The children will look at how IT helps in the everyday and login to Natterhub for the first time in Year 2.
As with every year, we love to celebrate our unique school logo – the Plesiosaur. We will learn about Mary Anning and why she was a significant figure. The children will take part in different dinosaur related activities.
The children will look at the artist Roy Lichtenstein. The children will create their own pop art using vegetables! Another super link to Supertato!
We will be focussing on the worries children may have with starting Year 2. We will look at how we deal with different emotions and re-launch our regulation stations. The children will think about their families and how they can help with their emotions. The children will also take part in an emotions workshop later in the term.
The children will focus on pitch and rhythm. They will look at different songs to appraise and use the handbells to play different tunes.
Home learning suggestions
Extra helpful information
PE days Monday and Thursday.
The PE uniform is white t-shirt and navy/black leggings/joggers and a navy/black jumper, trainers or plimsolls.
PE kits must be in school every day as timetables can alter at the last minute and all items of clothing must be named and in a named bag.
If you would like your child to wear laces up school shoe or trainers please could you spend a little bit of time teaching them how to tie laces.
Important dates:
4th September – Start of term
9th September – Dress as a hero day Year 2 ONLY
30th September – Emotions workshops (in school activity)
TBC – Wellbeing Day (Marvellous Me)
TBC - History Day
TBC – Walk to the Library
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