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“Our inclusive St Faith’s family strives to enable all to achieve their full potential and inspire a community of hope and friendship. We seek excellence by ensuring a safe, respectful and flourishing learning community, where differences are celebrated and our genuine love and high expectations make a difference to all.” “Aspire not to have more, but to be more.” (Oscar Romero)

Reception: Honey Bees

Welcomtthe Honey Bees!

Hello and welcome!

*Meet the Honey Bee grown-ups*

The grown-ups in the Honey Bee class are Ms Holman, Mrs Lower and Mrs Madin. We love teaching the Honey Bees and we are so proud of their achievements!

If you ever have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Thank you! 

*Our Christian Value for the term*

Our Christian value in the final term is 'Justice'.

Justice means giving all people - particularly the poor and oppressed - what it is right and fair for them to have: life, health, freedom and dignity.

It is about acting out of a concern for what is right and seeing right prevail. It is about social justice, especially for those who suffer most and are least able to protect themselves.

Justice is all about being fair and kind and ensuring that whatever we do we know it is morally right for everyone. 


Psalm 11:7

'For the LORD is righteous, he loves justice; upright men will see his face.’



Summer Term 2

How can we be in our final term in this school year already? 

We have had an amazing year so far and our learning journey continues this half term. We are so proud of all the Honey Bees and it has been a pleasure to watch them blossom and grow.

This term we are consolidating our phonic skills, reading trickier words and longer sentences. These skills will transfer into our reading and writing where we will be doing more group reading and writing for a range of different purposes. In Talk for Writing our story is 'The Kissed that Missed' and we can not wait to explore a range of different characters the knight meets in the wild wood. Alongside this we will also be learning and exploring a range of traditional tales.

In maths, we are consolidating our skills, alongside beginning to solve problems relating to addition and subtraction and also odd and even numbers. 

We will also be designing healthy sandwiches, ready for picnic time and continuing to lead our own learning both indoors and outdoors. 

What another busy and exciting half term!

Our Learning - Summer 1 term 2022

This term our topic is 'Everyone's Invited', which will culminate in a class party at the end of the term!

Our Talk 4 Writing text this term is a wonderful story - Toys in Space.  This is a tale of a group of toys who have an adventure in space after being left outside one night.  They meet some fabulous characters!  The children will be using Talk 4 Writing actions and text maps to help them retell and rewrite the story .  We will be doing lots of creative things linked to the story, too!

In phonics we will be moving on to phase 4 (Letters and Sounds), as the children begin to read and write longer words and sentences.  They have now been taught all phonemes, and will continue to practise these in our daily phonics lessons, along with more tricky words!

We have some lovely books to share with the children this term, including Something Else, Mr Grumpy's Outing, the Three Little Pigs, Lost and Found, Six Dinner Sid and Elmer.  We will be discussing and exploring these texts in detail during our shared reading time.

We will continue to have weekly sessions addressing health and wellbeing, and the importance of looking after ourselves and our friends and families.  We will also be talking about a range of bible stories in RE and Collective Worship.

We will continue to teach maths each day through the 'Mastering Number' scheme.

We are planning to investigate our local area again this term, with visits to the West Common, the Castle and the Cathedral.  We also plan to be scientists by exploring properties of different materials, and historians by looking at how toys have changed through time.  We will do lots of creative activities, both inside and outside the classroom, which we're sure the children will love!

We will continue to provide a range of exciting materials, books and games for the children to use during their 'choosing time'.  The Honeybees are so creative, and we can't wait to see their artistic masterpieces again this term!

Our learning for Spring Term 2:

Our learning for this term will be based around or theme of Ready, Steady, Grow! The children will be exploring where our food comes from beyond the shops, and thinking about the lifecycles of different animals. We will be 'eggs-ploring' eggs and the different ways that we can use them too! The children will also be actively involved in learning about what plants need to grow by planting beans and seeds and caring for them, carefully watching them grow and develop.

Linked to this will be an exploration of Van Gogh's famous Sunflowers painting and creating or own sunflower and daffodils artwork, models, music and dance.

This term we will also be exploring Mothers' Day, Easter and Spring and the wonderful things that it brings us!

Our Talk for Writing story will be Jack and the Beanstalk and we will be learning this fabulous story through our now familiar text maps, actions and retelling. 

We will be continuing with our daily phonics learning, embedding our Phase 3 phonemes as we move onto Phase 4, developing our super reading and writing skills even further. We will continue to enjoy and look closely at a weekly focus story through our guided reading learning; the stories this term include Handa's Surprise, Zog, Guess How Much I Love You and The Gruffalo. 

Our daily maths learning will continue as we explore number, space, shape and measurement through class activities and those through our indoor and outdoor play.

The children will be continuing to choose their learning based around their interests, both indoors and outdoors. We are determined that the children will have fun with their learning and continue to be very Busy Bees!


Spring 1 Term 

This term, the Honeybees will be learning all about Our Special World.  We will be finding out about our local area, our country and the world!  We will be learning about maps, and how they can help us understand our amazing planet.  We will be using our own experiences to learn about weather, and what seasonal changes feel like in Lincoln! We will also be learning about the Arctic, and will be comparing the animals found in the UK, with animals in the Arctic.  We will also learn about some famous explorers.

This term, we will be finding out about Chinese New Year and Valentine's Day, and will be celebrating these special days in different ways.

We will be learning about how to keep safe when using the internet, and how to look after our mental health, and our very precious teeth!!

Our Talk for Writing text this term is The Sleepy Bumblebee, and we will be learning the text using strategies the children are now becoming familiar with - text maps, actions and retelling.

We will continue to develop our reading and writing skills as we move on to Phase 4 in phonics, and we will continue with our daily maths sessions, to build numeracy and space, shape and measurement skills.

The children will have the opportunity to engage in various activities of their choosing, as we have periods of time for child-initiated play each day, both inside the classroom and outdoors.  

What busy bees we are!

Our Learning for this term - Autumn Term 2


Bright Lights and Dark Nights is our topic for this special term before Christmas!


The Honeybees will be finding out all about special festivals such as Diwali and Bonfire Night as part of our topic. We will be exploring the differences between night and day, and the light and the dark. Some lovely night and day stories we are exploring include 'Owl Babies', 'Whatever Next' and 'The Owl and the Star'. 


Our story for Talk for Writing this term is the gorgeous 'The Baby Hedgehog', which we will be learning in detail so that we can use some of the best bits in our own story telling! 

We will be finding out about other nocturnal animals alongside the hedgehog too, including owls!


We are continuing to learn our phonics through our daily lessons, and we are also continuing to practise our pencil hold and letter formation regularly. We have also have our daily maths sessions which are always great fun!


As always, the Honeybees are learning an enormous amount through playing, exploring, interacting and above all, having fun! We plan a lot of our learning through following the children's interests and passions... so expect a lot more exciting learning this term!


Ms Holman and Mrs Lower.

*Our Learning for this term*




We will be starting our new term together by doing lots of activities to help us get to know our new friends!

Our topic is 'Me, Myself and I'. We will be drawing self portraits, finding out about families, and learning about things to explore in our lovely city of Lincoln!

Our Talk for Writing book this term is 'The Gingerbread Man'.  We'll be doing lots of activities to help the children to retell the story, and understand the characters in the book.

We will start learning phonics this term, following Letters and Sounds, to help the children begin to read and write. In maths we will be learning how to count accurately, and will be talking about shapes and measurement.

In the Early Years, much of the children's learning is through their play.  We will follow the children's interests, and will plan our provision based on their passions and ideas!

We are excited about the wonderful term of fabulous learning ahead!


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