Welcome to the Grasshoppers!
The grown-ups in the Grasshoppers class are Miss Frecklington and Miss Wratten.
We love teaching the Grasshoppers and we are so proud of their achievements!
If you ever have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Thank you!
Our school value for this term is ‘Justice’. Being able to show Justice is a very important life skill for future relationships. Justice means taking turns and sharing, playing by the rules, accepting responsibility, avoiding blaming others when we have done something wrong, and listening to the ideas of others. Our special bible story this term is "The Rich Man and Lazarus". We will be learning how to show justice ourselves as well as being able to recognise other people who show justice.
All of the children and adults in school will be recognising children who show justice, both inside and outside of school. This is rewarded and celebrated at the end of term in our special Values Celebration Worship.
Hot, hot, hot! Show off your dancing feet, move to the samba beat! Shake and shimmy, hands in the air, come and join the party in Rio! Our topic this term is Rio De Vida! We will be learning all about the carnival capital, as well as the importance of the Amazon rainforest and what we can do to protect it and the animals who call it their home. We will be learning how to use samba instruments as well as how to dance to samba music.
In English, we will be recapping everything we have learnt this year; the correct way to form sentences using capital letters, finger spaces, and punctuation, how to write and read common exception words, the spelling rules that we have learnt, as well as how to form our letters correctly to have beautiful handwriting.
In Maths, we will be looking at time, money, volume and capacity, mass, and space. We will learn how to tell the time to the hour and half hour, how to use and recognise money, comparing volume and capacity using 'half' and 'quarter', as well as comparing mass and describing positions, movements and making turns.
In Phonics, we will continue learning our Phase 3 and Phase 5 phonemes, as well as remembering to use our phonetic knowledge when reading real and nonsense words! This will all be in preparation for our Phonic Screen Week as well as helping us to become better readers.
Find out about our learning and our news!