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“Our inclusive St Faith’s family strives to enable all to achieve their full potential and inspire a community of hope and friendship. We seek excellence by ensuring a safe, respectful and flourishing learning community, where differences are celebrated and our genuine love and high expectations make a difference to all.” “Aspire not to have more, but to be more.” (Oscar Romero)

Spring Term 2 2024

Spring Term 2


Food Glorious Food


Welcome to Spring Term Two, the year is flying by and our Year One children are working so hard. Our amazing topic for this half term is called ‘Food Glorious Food’. We will be thinking all about different foods and where they come from. In Science we will be learning about plants and their structures. This will include planting our own vegetables in the year one garden. We will also be continuing to identify seasonal changes with a focus on winter and spring.

In History, children will be learning about the key events and people in the Great Fire of London - which started in a bakery on Pudding Lane! This will include the significant people we remember from this time and the timeline of events from during this time. In Music the children will be learning to listen with concentration and understanding to a range of music, finding the pulse, learning a new song and exploring a range of percussion instruments and making music together. We will also learn new songs as we love singing them together, and even have a go at a rap!

In DT we are exploring different food groups and have the challenge to plan, make and review a healthy sandwich.


 In PSHE we looking ahead and thinking about the different strengths we have. This then moves onto to considering why adults need to work and the different roles within our community.  It links well with our RE topic on celebrations.


We also have many carefully selected high quality texts for story time that link to Food Glorious Food, we cannot wait to start reading them. These include The Tiger Who Came For Tea, The Lighthouse Keepers Lunch,                                                         

Mr Wolf’s Pancakes and The Runaway Pea.




We will also be doing two PE sessions per week and continuing our Forest School journey.



In English our Talk for Writing focus story is ‘Handa’s Surprise’. We will learn how to retell the story, describe Handa and her different fruits and explore new language.  We will also learn all about suffixes and use these in our writing. Our learning will then move on to non-chronological reports. We will read lots about animals to learn the structure and then write our own focusing on The Great Fire of London.  



In Year One we follow a maths scheme called White Rose Maths. This term, we will cover:

Place Value within 50, Length and Height and then Mass and Volume. This will extend our knowledge, enable us to recall and use number bonds and build on the learning we did in the previous term.


We will also continue our “Mastering Number” programme, using short, practical activities to develop pupils’ confidence, and understanding of number. These are 10 minute daily sessions and are in additional to our maths lessons.  


Phonics information and reading

As always, we place huge emphasis on the importance of regular reading practice both in and out of school. Every child will be allocated a Reading Practice group and will read three times with their group each week. Books will be changed each Monday.

Please ensure that your child brings their reading practice book and reading record to school each day so that we can assess and record their progress appropriately. Hearing your child read at least 3x a week is very valuable in developing their reading skills and their love of reading! We cannot emphasise this enough!!

Our daily lessons will take the same format and build on the phonics teaching from last term. This progresses quickly and so practicing new sounds and spellings is vital.  Please practise reading both tricky words, words with our new sounds in and also spellings at home. If you have any questions, please just ask your childs class teacher.


Homework Challenges

These can be handed in at any point up until half term and be done in any format – photos, videos, writing, drawings, or any other type of artwork. Please choose from the following:

  • Work with an adult to cook a family meal.
  • Research the national dish of another country.
  • Think about your favourite meal and what makes it so special to you
  • Make your own picnic


For more homework challenges and ideas please see the newsletter.


Spring Term 2 Parent Newsletter

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