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“Our inclusive St Faith’s family strives to enable all to achieve their full potential and inspire a community of hope and friendship. We seek excellence by ensuring a safe, respectful and flourishing learning community, where differences are celebrated and our genuine love and high expectations make a difference to all.” “Aspire not to have more, but to be more.” (Oscar Romero)

Spring 2

Spring 2

We hope that all of our amazing Butterflies have had a lovely half term and are ready for a busy and enjoyable term. We are really looking forward to all the learning that is going to take place this term whilst we continue to look after each other and stay safe. Learning will take place both in school and also via 'Zoom school' for the children in our class who are currently learning from home. I am sure that everyone will continue to do an amazing job! 


In phonics we will continue to practise and learn those difficult phase 3 diagraphs and trigraphs and will be applying these to our reading and writing. Our weekly writing activities will focus around popular quality child's stories and will allow us to write in a range of different ways. The short writing activities, linked to Talk for Writing, will enable us to develop our use of phonics, punctuation and handwriting whilst encouraging independent writing. In Maths we are continuing to develop our understanding and love of number including practical addition and subtraction, and later in the term doubling and halving.


Alongside all of this we will learning indoors and outdoors, challenging our ideas and allowing the amazing Butterflies to lead their learning as we plan our play together.


We are going to have a brilliant term of learning and fun, both at home and at school! 

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