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“Our inclusive St Faith’s family strives to enable all to achieve their full potential and inspire a community of hope and friendship. We seek excellence by ensuring a safe, respectful and flourishing learning community, where differences are celebrated and our genuine love and high expectations make a difference to all.” “Aspire not to have more, but to be more.” (Oscar Romero)

Summer Term 2

Summer Term 2

A Summer Holiday


Our exciting topic this half term is a summer holiday.  Within this topic we will explore what makes a good friend, sun and water safety and continue to develop our knowledge of ways to stay safe online in our PSHE lessons. In history our focus in on changes within our living memory and this will lead us to how technology has changed, seaside holidays and also our local area. 



In science we are furthering our knowledge on season change, plants and what plants need to grow. As the days become warmer, our Geography will be focused on the local area, learning more about human and physical features whilst developing our knowledge of maps and map symbols. This will involve us exploring the school grounds and also the local area in our class teams.



In Art we will be looking at printing, tapping into the knowledge of Ms Holman and her artistic skills. In DT our team work will continue as we challenge classes to design, plan and make a shelter to keep us out of the sun.


This term our computing curriculum leads us to practising and applying the knowledge we have developed and taking computing into other curriculum areas to enhance our learning and further develop our skills.

In RE we will be focusing on personal expression and parables and the messages the Bible gives Christians around how others should be treated and fairness. This links brilliantly to the value of Justice which we will also be focusing on this term.


We also have many carefully selected high quality texts for story time that link to A Summer Holiday, we cannot wait to start reading them. These include What the Ladybird Heard, The Fish that could Wish, The Singing Mermaid, The Elephant and the Bad Baby and On Sudden Hill.


Termly common exception words

In Year One, spellings are done weekly. In your child’s reading record a sticker will appear with around 6 spellings to practise 3 times a week. Spelling certain tricky words and common exception words is so important in Year One so please support your child at home with this. Alongside this some children will be asked to use these words in a dictated sentence or a sentence of their own.


Phonics info and Reading

The children participate in a phonics session daily first thing in the morning and they will take part in a group reading practice each week three times in class. Please ensure that your child has their reading book and reading record book with them each day. Included in your child’s reading record book will be your child’s spellings on a sticker. Please support your child at home with their spellings.

Reading books are changed on a Monday for the week and these are the books which are required for the reading practice sessions. Your child will also bring home a book from our school library which is their reading for pleasure book these will be changed when your child’s class has their library time.



Extra helpful information

Children will be doing PE on different days throughout the term, so it is important that your child has their PE kit in school every week so that they can fully engage in activities. We will be doing some PE lessons outdoors, so please ensure your child has a pair of plimsols or trainers with their PE kit in school.



Homework Challenges

These can be handed in at any point up until half term and be done in any format – photos, videos, writing, drawings, or any other type of artwork. Please choose from the following:

  • Create a map of an imaginary island, adding a range of human and physical features and using symbols with a key to show them clearly on the map.
  • Go on a Nature walk, create a list of all of the different plants and trees you can find. You may need to use the internet to find out the name of any you are unfamiliar with.
  • Design and plan a summer picnic. This may involve you going to the shop with a list for the ingredients. Fingers crossed, it isn’t raining on picnic day!
  • Keep a dairy of all the lovely family adventures you have throughout the term and into the summer holidays.
  • Design your own robot, remember to make sure all their body parts are firmly attached!
  • Create a timeline of technology. Start with the technology your grandparents had, then your parent and now you. How has this changed?

Summer Term 2 Parent Newsletter

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