Welcome to the Caterpillars!
The grown-ups in the Caterpillar class are Mrs Elwell, Mrs Leatherland, Mrs Picker and Mrs Soulsby.
We all love teaching the Caterpillars and we are so proud of their achievements!
If you ever have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Thank you!
Our school value for this term is ‘Justice’. Justice means more than making things ‘fair’. In order for people to live together happily, in a just community, it is important to have rules or laws that everybody sticks to. Imagine if there were no rules for people driving cars on the road!
Justice means giving all people what it is right and fair for them to have: life, health, freedom and dignity. It is about acting out of a concern for what is right.
Justice means taking turns and sharing, playing by the rules, accepting responsibility, avoiding blaming others when we have done something wrong, and listening to the ideas of others. Our special bible story this term is "The Rich Man and Lazarus". We will be learning how to show justice ourselves as well as being able to recognise other people who show justice.
All of the children and adults in school will be recognising children who demonstrate an understanding of justice, both inside and outside of school. This is rewarded and celebrated at the end of term in our special Values Celebration Worship.
We love learning in the Caterpillars! This term we are learning about the story of 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'.
We will be looking at a range of books including non-fiction books about the life-cycle of a caterpillar.
The children will be taking part in creating a story map for the story and learning how to structure the story using 'Once upon a time, first, next, after that, and finally.'
We will be learning about patterns and how we can find patterns in the environment.
Tapestry - Capturing learning moments at home
We would greatly value your contributions of your child's significant progress towards their learning journey on Tapestry. Photo's of your child recognising signs and logo's when your out and about would help with your child's assessment in reading. Similarly any observations of your child showing understanding of rhyming words would also be gratefully received.
Keep updated with our learning and our news!