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“Our inclusive St Faith’s family strives to enable all to achieve their full potential and inspire a community of hope and friendship. We seek excellence by ensuring a safe, respectful and flourishing learning community, where differences are celebrated and our genuine love and high expectations make a difference to all.” “Aspire not to have more, but to be more.” (Oscar Romero)

Year 1: Grasshoppers

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We are the

 Groovy Grasshoppers!

We are a Year 1 class and our teacher is Miss Frecklington. 


Our topic this term is

Dinosaur Planet!

   We will be finding out about the ginormous creatures that roamed our planet long before the first humans ever appeared, as well as other creatures that are now extinct such as the dodo and the woolly mammoth. We will be matching dinosaur facts to some 'evidence' we may uncover, plus we will be fossil hunting and finding out about the great fossil hunter Mary Anning, creating dino gardens and drawing our own dinosaurs as well as creating a big class model of a T-Rex. As we are making this huge model using junk, we will be needing lots of resources so please bring in empty boxes, cardboard, old egg boxes, milk bottle tops and anything else that might help to make our model T-Rex come to life. Grrrr!!!! On the first Friday back, you need to come to school dressed as an explorer so maybe you have some camouflage clothing, or perhaps green or khaki trousers and T-shirts to wear, or maybe you could make something covered in real or fake grasses or leaves so that you will be hidden from view. You could even come disguised as a tree! Don't forget those all important glasses, binoculars or magnifying glasses too.


This is going to be such a busy and exciting term. As well as our dino topic, we will be continuing with MSP on Monday afternoons and in RE we will be finding out all about the symbols you see in a Christian church. We will hopefully be paying a visit to the church to find out more about the artefacts. We've also got Sports Day, All Change Day and the Summer Fair coming up. Phew, what a busy term!



Trees, Conifers, Coniferous, Spruce, Nature





Our school value this term is


We will be finding out about people who have campaigned for justice around the world and thinking about what things we can do to show fairness and equality. At the end of term, children who have shown this value will receive a special certificate in our Values Assembly. Who will be the lucky ones chosen to get a certificate at the end of term?

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