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“Our inclusive St Faith’s family strives to enable all to achieve their full potential and inspire a community of hope and friendship. We seek excellence by ensuring a safe, respectful and flourishing learning community, where differences are celebrated and our genuine love and high expectations make a difference to all.” “Aspire not to have more, but to be more.” (Oscar Romero)


Welcome to the Caterpillars

We are the youngest members of the St. Faith's family and you can find us in the Nursery or on the Foundation Stage playground. You'll need to look closely though as we might well be all dressed up in disguise! We have some children who have just started in the new year and are busy learning our routines.

Our teacher is Mrs Elwell and our Nursery Nurse is Mrs Leatherland. Mrs Soulsby is our teaching assisant and she encourages us to eat our lunch and show good table manners. She loves to read stories to us and we have lots of favourite books which we share together each day. We love our Library, it's amazing and we take sharing books home each week for bedtime or anytime. Our topic is 'frozen planet'.

We are very inquisitive  and like to learn by exploring and trying out our ideas. We are learning how to talk about our learning. Look out for the dinosaurs as they help us everyday by keeping a watch and noticing our characteristics of effective learning develop through our play. We love to sing the songs we learn in class at home too so everyone can sing along.



Could all parents please ensure that all snacks or packed lunches do not contain nuts.

Please could you leave pushchairs and prams outside the nursery door as they cause a barrier to he children sat on he carpet waiting to be collected. Thank you!



*Our School Value*

Our Christian value this term is 'Service in the Community'. We will think about how we can use our talents to serve others and to appreciate those who serve us.

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