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“Our inclusive St Faith’s family strives to enable all to achieve their full potential and inspire a community of hope and friendship. We seek excellence by ensuring a safe, respectful and flourishing learning community, where differences are celebrated and our genuine love and high expectations make a difference to all.” “Aspire not to have more, but to be more.” (Oscar Romero)

Training and experience of staff

What training and experience do school staff have to support children with additional needs?

NASENDCo Award - Mrs Hayley Palmer (SENDCO) holds the National SENDCO award and is also a qualified Numbers Count teacher. Mrs Palmer is also a Solution Focussed Coach and has received Restorative training.


Precision Teaching helps to support children by addressing a specific gap in their learning.  They will have this additional support daily for around 5 – 10 minutes. The techniques involved ensure that the child learns through repetition.


Makaton – Using signs and symbols to aid communication skills.


Colourful Semantics – An interactive way to teach sentence structure using colour coded pictures to develop who, what, where.


Health - First Aid Training (including Paediatric First Aid), Epipen training and Epilepsy training have also been attended by staff.


Autism - Staff have attended training on Autism and have reached AET 1 level in April 2016. Key members of staff (including the SENDCO) gained AET level 2 status in June 2017.  The SENDCo completed AET level 3 training in July 2017.


Behaviour - All staff have previously attended Positive Behaviour training with specialist Steve Russell.  Staff have also had training on attachment and trauma. Additionally, the BOSS team provide training on behaviour related learning such as Social Stories training. All staff have received Team Teach training which means that we are able to respond safely and appropriately when a pupils requires additional behavioural support.


Nurture - Mrs Simpson is an accredited FRIENDS worker and also a trained ELSA practitioner (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant). These enable her to support children with low self-esteem.  The programme also supports children to make positive social interactions with others. Furthermore, she is able to offer drawing and talking therapy. Mrs Simpson attended the Restorative Practice training with Mrs Palmer.


Mrs Jemma De’ath is accredited to offer LegoTherapy within our school.


Staff regularly receive training on a variety of SEN related needs such as communication (WellComm and Makaton) and learning (dyslexia awareness in KS1).

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