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“Our inclusive St Faith’s family strives to enable all to achieve their full potential and inspire a community of hope and friendship. We seek excellence by ensuring a safe, respectful and flourishing learning community, where differences are celebrated and our genuine love and high expectations make a difference to all.” “Aspire not to have more, but to be more.” (Oscar Romero)

Year 1: Ladybirds

We are the Lovely Ladybirds!


We are a Year One class and Mrs Wallis is our teacher. We have Mrs Hooton, Mrs Bell and Mrs Marrows who help in our class during the week.


*Dinosaur planet*


Stomp, crash, RRRAGH!! Watch out everyone the dinosaurs are on the prowl!

They’re rampaging across the dusty earth, swishing their enormous tails and baring their fearsome teeth...


Imagine you are a palaeontologist and explore different fossils and amazing dinosaur 🦕 facts.


What is your favourite dinosaur 🦖?  The T Rex, the Brachiosaurus or the same as Mrs Walls, the Stegosaurus?

Maybe we could create our own dinosaur?


I’m sure we will learn all about our plesiosaur who was found on our school site and is now in the Collection.


Doyouthinkhesawus? Yes he did...RUN!! 🦕 






What are we up to during this topic?


Recounts, fact files, narrative 


Team games

Art and Design

Small and large scale models



designing and making

Geography Locating continents and oceans 






Plants 🌱 animal 🦔 







E-Safety session



events beyond living memory

significant individuals - Mary Anning




*Our Christian Value for the term*

Our school value this half term is 'justice’ so 

we are thinking about how we can be fair. This may be in school while playing a game or at home when letting your brother or sister play with your toy.

I wonder who will shine and be awarded the merit by the adults and the class?



During Parents Evening lots of parents were asking about spellings. This year we have tried doing spelling in school. 

Below is a copy of the Year One National Curriculum Common Exception words that all Year One children are expected to be able to read and spell.


These need to be spelt correctly in sentences, not just in isolation.


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