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“Our inclusive St Faith’s family strives to enable all to achieve their full potential and inspire a community of hope and friendship. We seek excellence by ensuring a safe, respectful and flourishing learning community, where differences are celebrated and our genuine love and high expectations make a difference to all.” “Aspire not to have more, but to be more.” (Oscar Romero)

Summer Term 2


Terrific Toys!


Our exciting topic this half term is Terrific Toys.  Within this topic we will explore our favourite toys and consider how toys and technology have changed over time. This links directly to our science learning and finding out about the properties of different materials. This will include learning lots of new vocabulary including opaque, transparent and flexible. In science we will also be recapping different types of trees and the different parts of plant. We will remember what the function of each part of the plant too.



In Art we will be looking at sculptures and focusing on the work of Eva Rothchild. This will lead us to designing and making our own sculptures using different resources. In DT our creativity will continue as we challenge everyone to design and make their own robot. This will link to our English being based upon the brilliant story No-Bot the Robot.


This term our computing curriculum leads us to practising and applying the knowledge we have developed and taking computing into other curriculum areas to enhance our learning and further develop our skills.

In RE we will be focusing on personal expression and parables and the messages the Bible gives Christians around how others should be treated and fairness. This links brilliantly to the value of Justice which we will also be focusing on this term. Alongside this we will be continuing with our online safety learning and road safety.


We also have many carefully selected high quality texts for story time that link to Terrific Toys, we cannot wait to start reading them. These include What the Ladybird Heard, The Fish that could Wish, Dogger, Stanley’s Stick, Toys in space, Whatever Next and On Sudden Hill.              




Children are continuing to practice correct letter formation in their handwriting, ensuring that letters are the correct size and are all facing the correct way. We are continuing to look at the sizing of our letters, focusing on ascenders and descenders and beginning to join some letters.     

Through Talk for Writing, our focus story is ‘No-bot The Robot’. We will become very familiar with the story through re-telling it orally and using a number of different writing styles to put our own spin on the story! We will also be developing our understanding of spelling, punctuation and grammar, descriptive writing, and the joining of sentences using conjunctions. These will help us to improve our writing skills and create some incredible stories! We will also be revisiting instruction writing and poetry and character descriptions.               





In Year One we follow a maths scheme called White Rose Maths. This term, we will cover:

Place value within 100 – looking at ordering, recognising, comparing and using number lines.

Money – involving recognising coins and notes and utilising money

Time – including before and after, days of the week and months of the year and telling the time to o’clock on an analogue clock.

Consolidation of pervious knowledge as needed for the individual class.

Additionally, we are working through the “Mastering Number” programme, using short, practical activities to develop pupils’ confidence, and understanding of number. 


Phonics information and reading

As always, we place huge emphasis on the importance of regular reading practice both in and out of school.

Please continue to ensure that your child brings their reading practice book and reading record to school each day so that we can assess and record their progress appropriately. Hearing your child read at least 3x a week is very valuable in developing their reading skills and their love of reading! We cannot emphasise this enough!!

This term all Year 1 children also complete the Phonic Screening check. As you will already know, this is when your child works one to one with their class teacher and reads 40 words, made up of 20 real words and 20 nonsense words. This is a national check and is nothing to worry about. If you have any questions or want to discuss this further please speak to your child’s class teacher.




Homework Challenges

These can be handed in at any point up until half term and be done in any format – photos, videos, writing, drawings, or any other type of artwork. Please choose from the following:

  • Create a map of an imaginary island, adding a range of human and physical features and using symbols with a key to show them clearly on the map.
  • Design a new toy that you would love to play with and label it.
  • Design and plan a summer picnic. This may involve you going to the shop with a list for the ingredients. Fingers crossed, it isn’t raining on picnic day!
  • Keep a dairy of all the lovely family adventures you have throughout the term and into the summer holidays.
  • Design your own robot, remember to make sure all their body parts are firmly attached!
  • Create a timeline of technology. Start with the technology your grandparents had, then your parent and now you. How has this changed?


For further homework ideas please see our newsletter. 

Summer Term 2 Parent Newsletter

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