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“Our inclusive St Faith’s family strives to enable all to achieve their full potential and inspire a community of hope and friendship. We seek excellence by ensuring a safe, respectful and flourishing learning community, where differences are celebrated and our genuine love and high expectations make a difference to all.” “Aspire not to have more, but to be more.” (Oscar Romero)

Reading Ambassadors

Our amazing Reading Ambassadors are here to make sure that reading for pleasure is as good as it can be in our St Faith's Family! They are working with Mrs Konrath to look at all that we do for reading for pleasure and considering how we can make our provision even better! 

We are linked to St Peter's in Eastgate Church of England Infant School and we meet with their Reading Ambassadors, to share our ideas. 

We are working toward the Gold level of the Reading Pledge. We can do it! 

Meet our Reading Ambassadors!

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