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“Our inclusive St Faith’s family strives to enable all to achieve their full potential and inspire a community of hope and friendship. We seek excellence by ensuring a safe, respectful and flourishing learning community, where differences are celebrated and our genuine love and high expectations make a difference to all.” “Aspire not to have more, but to be more.” (Oscar Romero)


iSingPop - Spring term 2023

Pupil Voice 

What we thought of iSingPop...



“I am enjoying iSingPop because I really enjoy singing. My favourite has been ‘Hey Hey Hey’. Leah has been really fun!”                         



“I have really enjoyed it because I love sing. I absolute favourite has been ‘Hey Hey Hey’.”



“I like the song ‘All the Love in the World’ because of the ‘oooooo’ part when we sway to the music. I have learnt to sing more confidently.”



“It has been so awesome and amazing! I’m so excited about the concert!”


Year 1 pupil

“The song make sense and are all about our values. 'Sweet Dreams' is all about showing compassion. 'Sweet Dreams' and 'Hey Hey Hey' are my favourites because the tunes are great and they get stuck in my head.”



“It very good because the songs are fun and they have been easy to learn.

I have learnt new songs and I have learnt to be brave when singing.”



“I think it’s really fun because Leah is really is fun and energetic. I have learnt to put some attitude into my singing and express myself more through my singing voice. I have definitely learnt to put more passion into my singing. We have learnt more about dynamics and sung a range of songs.”



“I’m so glad that we have dome iSingPop and I really appreciate how Leah has help us to learn the songs and get them perfect. I love the songs that were chosen for us and the rules to singing – especially rule 4… ‘attitude’. It has been great fun.”



“It’s been really fun! I have learned how to put dance moves to the songs and I like that we have done lots of singing. I love singing because it just my thing!”



“It’s kind of music and fun together. The music gets into my head and we move to the beat of the songs.”



“I like the songs we have sung and we get to listen to the music. I like that we have done different songs.”



“I like all the songs and the dancing. They are all different styles which was great.”



“It’s been fantastic and I have REALLY enjoyed it. One of the songs was about treating each other the way you treat yourself. Leah linked the song ‘All the Love in the World’ to the story of the Good Samaritan. I have also learnt to sing more confidently.”



“I have really liked iSingPop and my favourite songs have to be ‘All the Love in the World’ and ‘Thank You’. We talked about how the songs show our St.Faith’s school values of Compassion, Friendship and Service in the Community.”



“It’s been great because we have been learning new songs and I love to sing!

My singing has got better and I can show my feelings through my singing.”



“I really like iSingPop because I love singing words. The words of the songs have lots of meaning and teach us things like love and friendship. I have learned how to sing louder and happier.”

What did our St.Faith's parents and carers think of iSingPop? 


"Great to watch and the kids loved it"


"I thought Leah was fantastic and it was lovely to see how much the children enjoyed it."


"Wonderful experience for all"


"I loved the experience for the children and the tutor leading the concert was excellent."


"Fun and colourful. So pleased Brie enjoyed herself. Happily come again to watch and join in! Thanks so much everyone who made it happen."


"I thought it was brilliant and the children all looked to be having a great time! Myself and my daughter were both loving the songs and dance moves, very catchy!"


"I thought it was fab! The enthusiasm from the staff and the children was great, a brilliant way of teaching the children some excellent values. We really enjoyed the songs."



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