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“Our inclusive St Faith’s family strives to enable all to achieve their full potential and inspire a community of hope and friendship. We seek excellence by ensuring a safe, respectful and flourishing learning community, where differences are celebrated and our genuine love and high expectations make a difference to all.” “Aspire not to have more, but to be more.” (Oscar Romero)

Young Carers

A young carer is anyone under 18 supporting a household or family member who has a long term illness, disability, mental health problem including anxiety and depression, may be blind or deaf, may misuse drugs or alcohol or have a sister/brother with additional needs such as ADHD or Autism.
We are thrilled and immensely proud to have just been awarded with the Young Carers Bronze Award, for all of the fabulous work that we do for our very special young carers.
Gemma, our Nurture Lead, works with our wonderful Young Carers. Gemma was very interested in taking an operational lead in working with our Young Carers. She has a lot of personal experience of Young Carers as her younger daughter is a Young Carer herself. This enables Gemma to recognise the need that our Young Carers have and the support that is required. 

Our Young Carers group includes children who help to look after a grown up or a sibling at home. Gemma meets with the children each week in the Tree House. The children in the group get the opportunity to chat to Gemma and to the other children, about anything that might be worrying them. However, the focus of the group each week will be fun! The children take part in fun activities of their choice, together, ranging from painting to outdoor learning. This gives the children the opportunity to be relaxed and be themselves, without worrying about having to look after anyone else. 


We have also just started having Young Carers Coffee Mornings or Afternoon Teas, to chat with parents and families about how we can offer support to the family and children. 


Even if you don't think that your child would fit the criteria for the Young Carers group, do ask. Even if your child is a temporary carer, for example a parent has broken their leg, we can offer support! Pop in the the Tree House and chat to Gemma or visit the school office to have a word with me. We are always here to help.


Warm wishes

Mrs Konrath


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