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“Our inclusive St Faith’s family strives to enable all to achieve their full potential and inspire a community of hope and friendship. We seek excellence by ensuring a safe, respectful and flourishing learning community, where differences are celebrated and our genuine love and high expectations make a difference to all.” “Aspire not to have more, but to be more.” (Oscar Romero)

Summer Term 1

Summer Term 1

A Walk on the Wild Side



Our amazing topic for this half term is called ‘A Walk on the Wild Side’ and we cannot wait to learn new things and apply what we have already learnt to this topic. It incorporates learning more about animals, our amazing planet and keeping healthy. The outdoors is a large part of this.


In Geography we are going to be learning all about Nepal and Nigeria and how these places are the same and different to Lincoln. This will include a focus on the human and physical features of these places.


In Science we are furthering our understanding of animals and different classifications. This will link to different habitats as we develop our knowledge of plants and what they need to grow. In DT, we continue along the food line as we plant, care, and grow our own plants and vegetables.


In Music the children will be learning to listen with concentration and understanding to a range of music, finding the pulse, learning a new song and exploring a range of percussion instruments and making music together. In PSHE we are learning all keeping physically and mentally healthy and how we can look after ourselves and each other.


We also have many carefully selected high quality texts for story time that link to A walk on the wild side, we cannot wait to start reading them. These include Where the wild things are, The lion inside, Good little wolf and Giraffes can’t dance.


In English our Talk for Writing focus story is ‘The Storm Whale’. We will learn the new story, and then innovate it. We will recap the features of instructions as we think about how to save the whale. This leads us into a discussion text and lots of poetry as we continue to develop our knowledge of transcription and composition.


In Maths we follow a Maths scheme called White Rose Maths. This term we will continue to extend our understanding of place value and consolidating our understanding of addition and subtraction. We are also beginning fractions and multiplication and division. Following this we will move on to money and time.


Termly common exception words

In Year One, spellings are done weekly. In your child’s reading record a sticker will appear with around 6 spellings to practise 3 times a week. Spelling certain tricky words and common exception words is so important in Year One so please support your child at home with this. Alongside this some children will be asked to use these words in a dictated sentence or a sentence of their own.


Phonics info and Reading

The children participate in a phonics session daily first thing in the morning and they will take part in a group reading practice each week three times in class. Please ensure that your child has their reading book and reading record book with them each day. Included in your child’s reading record book will be your child’s spellings on a sticker. Please support your child at home with their spellings.

Reading books are changed on a Monday for the week and these are the books which are required for the reading practice sessions. Your child will also bring home a book from our school library which is their reading for pleasure book these will be changed when your child’s class has their library time.



Extra helpful info

Children will be doing PE on various days, therefore please ensure your child has their PE kit in school ALL TERM.




Please choose one of the following.

  • Create a fact file about the huge or a ferocious animal. What facts can you tell us about your favourite animal?
  • Design a new ‘wild thing’ and use it as a character in your own story.
  • Compare a country or place from somewhere else in the world with Lincoln. Can you include what it would be like to live there? Where it is in the world? (remember to use continent names) and how you would get there? (what oceans would you need to cross)
  • Can you describe the human and physical features of where you live?
  • Can you visit the shop and describe what coins you could pay with and the change you would receive? You may want to create a pretend shop at home. How much would things cost?
  • Create a timeline of your usual day. You will need to include the times of when you do different things e.g. 9am I start school

Summer Term 1 Parent Newsletter

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