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“Our inclusive St Faith’s family strives to enable all to achieve their full potential and inspire a community of hope and friendship. We seek excellence by ensuring a safe, respectful and flourishing learning community, where differences are celebrated and our genuine love and high expectations make a difference to all.” “Aspire not to have more, but to be more.” (Oscar Romero)

Year 1: Tiger Moths

Welcomtthe Tiger Moths!

Please do scroll down to the bottom of the page

and enjoy the photographs of the lovely Tigermoths

class - see some of what we have been up to since September!

Hello and welcome!

Meet the Tiger Moth grown-ups

The grown-ups in the Tiger Moth class are

Mrs Smith, Mrs Lower and Mrs Hooton.

Mrs Smith works on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday

and Mrs Lower on a Thursday and Friday. 

We all love teaching the Tiger Moths and we are so proud of their achievements!

If you ever have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Thank you! 

*Our Christian Value for the term*


When we focus on Justice, we are making sure that everyone is treated equally and fairly. In the Bible, we are told that justice is about 'opening your mouth for those who can't speak for themselves' (Proverbs). Jesus' ministry speaks of hope for people who are poor and oppressed - some of his strongest critiques are spoken against the mighty and the powerful. How can you make things fair for everyone?Do you treat everyone equally? Have you ever shown courage when making the right but difficult choices?

 Our Learning this Term

We all love learning in the Tiger Moths!

Our topic in school this term would have been

WRIGGLE AND ROAR, all about the amazing

animals and minibeasts in our world.


This term in English our learning would have been based around this topic.

We would be continuing to be focusing on writing recounts, information writing and stories using full sentences with capital letters, full stops, question marks, exclamation marks, finger spaces and interesting words, including noun phrases, as well as learning about prefixes and suffixes and other spelling patterns.


Our Maths learning last term was amazing... we really enjoyed our Maths No Problem learning. We have all become really familiar with numbers to 20, counting accurately, identifying and finding more and fewer, and using part, part whole to solve number problems, including addition and subtraction calculations and their inverse. We are now  becoming more familiar numbers beyond 20 with us looking closely at tens and ones.


In the afternoons in our classroom this half term, the Tiger Moths would have been working hard doing regular handwriting practise, as well as exciting learning in Science, PE, Music, Computing, Geography, Design Technology, RE, and PSHE.


In our Science learning this term we would have been exploring, identifying, naming and describing a variety of different plants, flowers and trees.


In PE this term we would have been performing different dances and dance moves.


In our Design Technology activities this term we would have been immersed in designing, making and evaluating a product, exploring different mechanisms in the process - perhaps we would have created a bug house! 


In our Music learning this term we would have been experimenting with creating, selecting and combining a variety of sounds.


In our Computing and E-Safety learning this term we were to be developing our skills in using Lightbot and Scratch and as always, learning about the importance of keeping safe online. 


In our Geography lessons, we would have been looking forward to exploring the geography of our school through fieldwork, identifying and representing the physical and human features. 


Our RE learning would have been based upon our Christian theme of Incarnation, exploring the theme of waiting and preparing.


And finally, in our PSHE learning, we would have been exploring the theme of Relationships and Living in the Wider World, considering the importance of living as part of a community or group, with its rules and responsibilities.


Wow, what a lot of exciting learning for us!


We love reading in the Tiger Moths, whether it is in our cosy reading area, reading the books recommended to us by our grown ups, using our lovely school library, sharing stories with our Y2 reading buddies, guided reading, reading to grown ups, or listening to stories throughout the day. 


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