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“Our inclusive St Faith’s family strives to enable all to achieve their full potential and inspire a community of hope and friendship. We seek excellence by ensuring a safe, respectful and flourishing learning community, where differences are celebrated and our genuine love and high expectations make a difference to all.” “Aspire not to have more, but to be more.” (Oscar Romero)

How are children with SEND supported?

How are children with SEND supported?

  • Mrs Palmer (SENDCO), together with the Senior Leadership Team, oversees the support of all children with SEND.
  • Lessons in class are routinely differentiated to take into account the differing needs of all children.
  • The Teaching Assistant (TA) team may provide extra small group support in class.
  • TA’s may lead intervention sessions in the afternoons to support learning further.
  • TAs or Mrs Palmer will work 1:1 on targeted intervention work for those with more complex needs.
  • This work will be reviewed regularly to measure its success in terms of your child’s progress.
  • Extra resources (eg writing slopes or adapted pens) may be purchased for individuals.
  • Children with an EHC Plan are carefully monitored and their outcomes supported throughout the school day.


Supporting children with Social, Emotional and Mental Health difficulties

  • Mrs Simpson is our first point of contact in school.  She is highly experienced in nurture and is able to provide a bespoke service for pupils.
  • Mrs De’Ath is able to offer LegoTherapy to pupils.  This intervention helps to build social skills between pupils.
  • A Pastoral Support Plan targets how we will support pupils in school.  Regular meetings with parents and carers ensures a continuity in approaches, both in school and at home.
  • We can refer to outside agencies such as BOSS (Behaviour Outreach Support Services) to provide additional support for pupils.
  • Class teachers can also action a Behaviour Support and Handling Plan which will help us to keep your child safe in school.
  • Class teachers can also write Risk Assessments.  These will highlight areas that require support in school and also off the school site (school trips etc).


Our Accessibility Plan also identifies ways in which children are supported in school. 

Are children with SEND involved in the support they receive?

  • Pupil voice is key when we review Pupil Profiles.  The front cover of individual Pupil Profiles is dedicated to each child.
  • Targets are shared with the children (in an age appropriate way).
  • Pupil questionnaire’s are carried out at least once a year to ascertain pupil voice.



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