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“Our inclusive St Faith’s family strives to enable all to achieve their full potential and inspire a community of hope and friendship. We seek excellence by ensuring a safe, respectful and flourishing learning community, where differences are celebrated and our genuine love and high expectations make a difference to all.” “Aspire not to have more, but to be more.” (Oscar Romero)

Nursery: Caterpillars

Welcomtthe Caterpillars!

Hello and welcome!

*Meet the Caterpillar grown-ups*

The grown-ups in the Caterpillar class are Mrs Elwell, Mrs Leatherland, Miss Goldacre, Miss Robins and Mrs Tia. 

We all love teaching the Caterpillars and we are so proud of their achievements!

If you ever have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Thank you! 

*Our Christian Value for the term*





We are talking about the importance of being fair to everyone and treating people equally. We look forward to seeing on Twitter how you have shown our value of Justice. We know that we can trust you all to look after one another through this difficult time. Remember to play fairly at home and share your toys with any brothers or sisters that you may have in your family.




 *Our Learning this Term*

We love learning in the Caterpillars! This term we will be learning at home about ....

 We will be building upon our learning of the Prime areas and especially by learning our own family daily routines. We will be learning to take turns and share toys. Developing friendships by staying in touch with our friends and being imaginative in our play with family members. Daily counting, phase two phonics, listening to stories and retelling stories. Joining in with the repeated refrains in stories and identifying rhyming words. Climbing, balancing and exploring different ways of moving during our daily exercise with our family. Developing skills such as throwing and catching. Singing songs and nursery rhymes. Enjoying looking at books. Being creative with our mark making, learning to write our names independently and how to form other letters of the alphabet correctly. Learning to complete a simple program and looking on our school website for ideas for our learning each day. Looking after our family at home and looking after the NHS doctors and nurses to stay safe in our community by staying alert at home.


Developing a love of reading

We aspire to develop a love of reading in nursery through reading and sharing stories. You can help by sharing books with your child at home. Sharing books are available to borrow from nursery or from our amazing St. Faith's library. During the Covid-19 lockdown we have boxes of books at the school gates which you may borrow. We do encourage parents to point out print in the environment such as shop signs to their child to help develop pre-reading skills. You could encourage your child to talk about the story using the pictures. Please see the weekly newsletter for further suggestions of activities to support your child in their learning at home. We warmly welcome any parental observations towards your child's learning journey via Tapestry.

*Our Weekly Newsletters*

Keep updated with our learning and our news!

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