Autumn Term 1
Fantastic Families
Our first exciting topic for this school year is Fantastic Families. Within this topic we will explore different families, respect, our new class family and how kindness makes others feel through our PSE curriculum. We will also set up and begin to use our online learning platform Natterhub to support this. Natterhub will also form part of our computing curriculum as we create our own avatars and begin to explore online safety. In History, we will be learning about significant people from the past focusing on Florence Nightingale and Mary Secole.
In science we are beginning our learning journey by furthering our knowledge of the human body. We will learn the name and use of different parts of the body and link this to our five senses which we will explore deeply through a range of different practical activities. Alongside this, our art work will focus on portraits, using different media and then the portraits Picasso created.
This term our RE focuses on Christianity and considers the question “What do Christians believe about God”? During this unit of learning we will explore the meaning of different parables and different types of Christian prayer.
We also have many carefully selected high quality texts for story time that link to Fantastic Families, we cannot wait to start reading them. These include Elmer, Avacado baby, Burglar Bill, We’re going on a bear hunt, Five minutes peace, The singing mermaid and Perfectly Norman.
We will also be doing PE, sessions with the sports coach and beginning our Forest School journey.