How our school vision is theologically rooted
As a Church of England school, we believe in serving our community based on the love of God for everyone. This means that we are an inclusive school who welcomes all. In doing this we draw heavily upon Jesus’ teaching from John 15.12 where Jesus commands that we love as he has loved. In the life of our school it also means:
- Each person is unique and made in God’s image. The school celebrates the uniqueness of all individuals, everyone is loved and celebrated.
- Love is demonstrated for all through our positive relationships and nurturing provision, supporting all to grow and flourish.
- Our aim is for all to develop their individual talents, grow these and flourish.
- Everyone is celebrated for being their authentic, unique self throughout school, where opinions are valued and listened to.
- The gifts and talents for all are recognised, nurtured and developed as a blessing from God.
- Creativity is celebrated and nurtured throughout the curriculum, trips and visits and extra-curricular provision.
- Courageous advocacy is promoted through the school.
- Thoughts for others, token gestures, and interactions with others demonstrates the positive nature of the school. Children are taught to value relationships and demonstrate this through the languages of love.
- We work to enable all to grow and flourish, regardless of their backgrounds. Everyone is spurred on to grow and flourish into the best versions of themselves.
- We are not defeated by adversity, pushing on towards hope, no matter what our families and school face.
- The school community is inclusive for all, with love overcoming differences.
- We are invitational and inclusive to all.
- We live alongside and support children and their families through the good time and the tough, providing family support where this is needed.
- Children are supported to live as a community, recognising that everyone has a role to play, growing into their authentic selves.
- We support and nurture diversity within our community.
- Everything is school is carried out with love and support, even the difficult conversations and holding people to account.
- Our restorative practise supports the school community living together in harmony.
- Restorative practise promotes the value of forgiveness and moving on following a disagreement, modelled by the adults within school, and deciding how we can live together peacefully and make different decisions in the future.
- Conflicts are dealt with through speaking the truth in love.
- We have a focus on making it right – using good deeds and courageous action to repair relationships and right wrongdoings.
- One of our core values is respect, demonstrating respect for each other, the environment and the world in which we live.
- We invest in teaching the skills of listening, empathy, perseverance, resilience through Forest School.